My goal for the day is the same, get up early, get stuff done before the little one wakes up. I love having “me” time. I read and have a little tea. Then I like to get in to my exercise movements and mobility. A little part of me dies inside when I hear “MOMMY!” before I’m finished.
No this is my time, don’t you know that you sweet sweet boy!
So, on days that this happens I have created a great way to get in my exercise movements while playing with my son. You can also just do these throughout the day.
Sometimes it is structured, sometimes it isn’t. I try and go with the flow a little here.
My Favorite Exercise Movements with Kids
This is an awesome exercise movement for adding a little bit more weight to those legs. Depending on how big your child is, you can either hold them in your arms, or put them on your back. Their wiggly-ness will actually help you work on your stability. My son think its super fun and loves climbing on my back for this movement.
Push Ups
Sometimes my son tries to do the push-ups, which I am all for. Its super cute and I can get some regular ones in. Another way you can do this exercise is place them on the mat and push down to them and give a kiss! He laughs so hard when I do this. You can also add a good challenge by placing them on your back! He is almost 30 lbs so it is pretty challenging!
Jump Rope
Every kid I know loves jumping. My son can’t jump with a jump rope yet, so instead we pretend and some times jump in circles! He could actually go all day if I let him.
Bear Crawl
This exercise is super fun with tiny ones. If you have a non-crawler, just crawl to them, give a kiss and head back the the other way. You could also let bigger kids do it themselves. It is fun to watch him some times, we won’t even be “working out” and he will instinctually just start doing this exercise movement and it reminds me why it is so important to keep this up!
Again, jumping is so natural for little kids. We like to use chalk on the sidewalks some times or just pretend. No matter what, you and your kid are active and having fun!
Like squats, you can get your kiddo to hang on your back and that adds some good weight to the simple movement. Or give them a big hug and let them enjoy the lunge movement that way.
Flutter Kick
This exercise you can lay down next to your child and do them or you can place them on your tummy. This will make you naturally contract more and give you a better workout. Kids love to mimic what you do and it is so fun to see them try new things.
Up Right Rows
My son loves this movement. I lift him straight up in to the air, it is almost more difficult to work around the giggles then even the weight!
So there you go, all of these can be done with and around your kids. You don’t have to think, “Well, I couldn’t get my workout in earlier, so I guess I can’t do it today!”
You can really do it, have a great workout, and play with your kid!
Health and Happiness,
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