No two people will have the same exact schedules. Even if goals and time are similar, their will be differences in how that time is spent.
For example, I am a nurse, with a nurses normal 12 hour shift=36 hour full. This means I could have anywhere from 4-5 days off in a week. If you work a normal 9-5 job, your week looks very different then mine will.
That being said, a wise person once told me, “No, one knows your schedule better than you do!”
You have to find your pace, your rhythm for your days and weeks.
Returning back to health and fitness, how can you set yourself up for success? Here are 5 tips I like to follow for my weeks.
- Because my work days look differently, I always establish what days I will be able to workout. Make sure you have a set idea of late meetings, earlier morning commitments, or other priorities you need to get done, so you can set time for yourself.
- Plan your rest days. This blends closely with tip 1, but knowing when you will rest and recooperate after your workout days is important. Not every day you don’t workout will be considered a “rest” day. There are many other things you can do like hike, yoga etc. But rest days are really for preparing the body for the next big workout, so make sure you establish those days too!
- Have food in the house-I have been struggling with this one a lot. (Mostly because, If you haven’t heard I’m pregnant, and the nausea has been unreal). But, I digress. Having healthy food in the house will prevent you from needing to take time to run back and forth the store and it will also prevent you from possibly making bad food choices because you need some thing quick. Believe me, it saves a lot of time when you have a food shopping day and get in to a rhythm of when and where you go.
- Planning what to eat-Again, this is something I’m working on as well. Food has been a task for me lately. I’m not saying meal prep (although, go for it if you can), I’m just saying have an idea of what you would like to have for at least dinners, so you can make your shopping trip as easy and painless as possible.
- What will your day look like after dinner? This is something I like to look at as well. If you work full-time, part-time, from home or not at all, everyone can benefit from looking at their day after dinner. How can you set your self up for tomorrow? Some nights when I get home from a long shift at work, it can be super hard to do anything besides crash. But, I like to get in one weekly task. Sometimes its emptying the dishes, folding clothes, reading, or just making my sons lunch the night before so we aren’t going crazy in the morning. But, whatever you can do in that in-between time, I encourage you to, so you can feel more free the next day.
I hope these tips help you find a smoother rhythm for your week!
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